Newton Bicycle Network PlanBike Lane in Boston, MA

There have been a number of Bike Plan proposals in the last decade. The recent Newton Bicycle Network Plan is based on feedback from the League of American Bicyclists’ Bicycle Friendly Community program.

The main objectives of the Bicycle Network Plan are:

  1. To make bicycling in Newton much safer by ensuring that bicycling infrastructure will be built using the best possible design recommendations.
  2. To increase bicycle routes in Newton by creating a network of safe, low‐stress routes.
  3. To create first‐class bicycle accommodations on critical corridors connecting points of interest, north/south and east/west.

When all the recommendations of the plan are acted upon, 94 miles of roadway in Newton will become considerably safer for bikers of all types. According to this cost and priorities projection by a retired USDOT executive, Newton could carry out the entire plan for under half a million dollars!

The appendices of the Plan also serve an educational purpose, describing different types of bicycle accommodations.